Friday 15 March 2013

Panna Cotta Recipe


3 leaves of gelatin
250ml milk
375ml double cream
50 g caster sugar
¼  lemon, zested
7.5 ml brandy
1 vanilla pod, split and scraped


Soak the gelatin leaves in cold water until soft. Bring the milk, cream, sugar, vanilla & lemon zest to the boil,  then remove from the heat and add the gelatin & brandy. Pass through a fine chinois & cool. Pour the mix moulds or even glasses that you could serve the dessert in. Set in the fridge, preferably over night

Dessert like this go really well with fresh seasonal fruits or a berry coulis.
The picture above is a panna cotta I made with goats cheese, and I served it with berry coulis, stewed orange segments, fresh basil, and hazelnut biscotti. The dish worked really well and all the ingredients complimented one another.

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